bigstock Cheerful Old Women Talking At 86520224 5Some people may look forward to moving into an assisted living facility. Others may have trepidations, fears, and concerns, some of which they don’t immediately address with even their closest family and friends. Making any type of transition in life can be stressful, and moving into assisted living is one potential stressor, no matter whether that senior is excited about it or not.

When looking into assisted living as an option, one choice that may be available is whether or not to have a roommate. Choosing a roommate could help save some money on monthly expenses, which could be important for some aging men and women.

How much money could a senior save by choosing a roommate?

That all depends on the facility. The best thing is to contact an assisted living facility, go on a tour, see the various options available, including amenities, and find out about the cost. Some facilities may not offer this option, either. That’s why it’s important to be specific when looking into assisted living.

How could a roommate be beneficial for more than just financial reasons?

A roommate can offer comfort for an aging individual who enjoys companionship. Of course, moving into an assisted living facility will mean the senior is surrounded by peers their own age, often men and women who share common interests, so they only need to go outside their door, possibly to the entertainment facility, dining facility, or just go for stroll down the halls to meet others, but having a roommate offers a different level of comfort.

A roommate could be somebody to talk to, have conversations well into the evening hours in the comfort of one’s own room. They can help support one another. They can be not only an emotional benefit, but also a physical one, if there is a need.

A roommate can help somebody feel less alone, especially if they had been living with a spouse for decades who may have passed away not all that long ago. For some seniors who have been living alone for many years, having a roommate can feel like a breath of fresh air.

It is, honestly, up to each individual.

In many cases, seniors aren’t going to be forced to have a roommate if they choose assisted living. This is one of the best long-term care options for aging seniors, even if they don’t have serious health issues or limited mobility; it provides them a community of like-minded individuals to connect with, make friends with, and experience life together.

For more information about assisted living in San Antonio, TX, contact Pipestone Place Assisted Living or to take a tour, call today (210) 718-0211.

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Samuel Vesa
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