What is assisted living? What does it mean to have assisted living?Questions for Assisted Living in San Antonio

An assisted living resident is defined as a resident who needs assistance with at least one of the Activities of Daily Living.

A typical assisted living resident would usually be a senior who does not need the level of care offered by a nursing home but prefers more companionship and needs some assistance in day-to-day living. Age groups will vary with every facility.

The Assisted Living Federation of America reports that the average age of assisted living residents is 86.9 years (female average age, 87.3; male average age, 85.7).Female residents (73.6%) outnumber male residents by almost 3 to 1. The majority (76.6%) of assisted living residents are widowed, and just over 12% are still married or have a significant other. The average length of stay for assisted living residents is 28.3 months.

Assisted living is personal ca171re that is offered to seniors who need help with everyday life activities. These activities could be as simple as preparing meals or assisting with bathing.

There are many activities that assisted living providers can offer seniors. You can choose an assisted living provider who specializes in memory loss. Depending on the condition or needs of your senior will determine which assisted living service will work best.

There are many assisted living options to choose from. These choices range from small individual licensed care homes (6 bed homes/board and care homes) to large full scale senior communities with over 100 assisted living apartments. Although the concept of assisted living is similar nationwide, assisted living homes can vary significantly in what services they offer and at what cost they provide their services.

Most assisted living facilities are licensed and regulated by their State. These regulations largely determine what services assisted living communities can provide. Most States license assisted living facilities as “non-medical” care. Because most assisted living communities are considered to be a non-medical environment, they have specific restrictions on what care they can provide and which residents they can appropriately care for and retain.

Assisted Living is a popular care option for many seniors. The best way to ensure that a facility is prepared to meet specific needs is to contact the home and set up a tour. Communication, from the very beginning of the moving process, is key in determining the best option for your family member or loved one.

For more information about Pipestone Place Assisted Living in San Antonio, or to take a tour, call today (210) 718-0211.


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Samuel Vesa
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